Ingredients :
Farine de châtaigne corse AOC (Appellation d'Origine Contrôlée farine de châtaigne corse - farina castgnina corsa) , farine de blé,sucre de canne, sucre inverti, oeuf, huile de tournesol, poudre à lever.
Even if chestnut flour has a delicious taste, it also has specificities that make it delicate to use in the kitchen: it is extremely fine, it does not contain any gluten and it does not react to yeast. Therefore, its use for pastries requires a lot of experience and know-how. The adjustments for cake made with chestnut flour took two years of testing and brainstorming.
Based on the traditional recipe of “torta”, a delicious cake that cannot be preserved, the challenge was to make a smooth cake that could be preserved, with the intense flavour of chestnuts and the melting sensation of the pastry. Not an easy challenge, but it worked out.